I also played some Dragon Age; I am a Dalish rogue. My goal today is to play through more of the story. So far, so good. I do like a nice BioWare game to immerse myself into.
Was supposed to head out to The Mannings today with some ladies from the Wednesday knitting group, but the snow is still abundant on the ground. We're going to go up tomorrow instead. Hopefully, the back roads will be plowed by then.
At my current gig, we do not get the last week of the year off with pay, as was the case with SOE. I am instead taking the rest of my annual PTO this week, which may or may not be a mistake. I've been a bit anxious about how all this freakin holiday cheer is affecting me. So far, I've only burst into tears once, though, so that's good.
This'll be the first time in forever, though, that I have not had one or both little cherubs with me. It totally sucks. I suppose in my mind, I was going to be in Seattle with Dan and would get to hang out with them...and since that isn't what happened this year, well, there you are. And here I am, in a wintry wonderland 3,000 miles away from the men I love.
AWWW Big zen hugs Zephy! I'm glad you and the cats survived your first official EAST COAST storm! You are now an East Coaster and you can say in years to come.. PAH..you call that snow? Why in aught nine I was in the SUPER SATURDAY STORM and that makes this look like dusting on a doughnut!