Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ravelympics 2010

I signed up, then backed out, then decided at the last minute to actually give it a go.

Ravelymics is a knitting event on Ravelry in which participants cast on a project during the Opening Ceremonies and complete that project before the end of the Closing Ceremonies. Some of the events are pretty funny take-offs on real Olympic events with names like Hat Halfpipe, Nordic Colorwork Combined and Scarf Super-G.

I am on Team Socksters, in the Sock Hockey event, and will be knitting Rick. This is a Cookie A pattern in which each foot is knit "mirrored" to the other. Hitherto, I have leaned toward patterns that are completely written out with supplemental charting. With Sock Innovation, though, every pattern is only charted.

While it might not be snowy in Vancouver, where the actual Olympics are taking place, Maryland is a wintery wonderland. I've dug out Jane Grey twice this week, and predictions are for more snow next Tuesday. Our office closed Monday, which was funny/sad, as I had spent all that time digging out Jane and actually made it to the office before it was shut for the day. It closed again Wednesday for another snowstorm and then on Thursday because streets were still messed up.

I'm glad I made it to the office yesterday. Candyce and Kevin sent me flowers and a tower of cupcakes for my birthday! Yay! And when I came home last night, there was a box of chocolates from the Wiesmans, whom I haven't seen since leaving San Diego, waiting for me on my doorstep.

After all the turmoil last month, I feel remarkably calm and peaceful now. I have very wonderful old friends and very wonderful new friends. I'm very lucky.


  1. Tracy you're making me want to learn to knit! Early hippo birddie to you... and although you had to turn around and go home I'm very proud of you. You're an East coast girl now to be sure.

  2. Hi Tracy! I've started a blog myself now - please pop by and take a look!

    Love the pictures of the snow. Makes what we've had in the UK this winter look totally insignificant!

  3. I didn't realize it was your birthday! Happy birthday, Tracy! We've gotten more snow starting today, actually. It just began about half an hour ago.
