Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blah. Ick. Phooey. Ooh.

Not even paying attention to Daylight Savings Time, I managed to sleep in till nearly 10:30AM. That is not like me; I am generally an early riser.

The following bout of violent sneezing provided illumination: I have a sort of cold-thinger, which also explains the cold sore thinger that sprouted up at the end of last week.

Now, I have had occasional lip-things due to stress. And, I started the year feeling extremely stressed, but have since settled into relative normalcy (as in, normal for me). When I started getting a lip-thinger, my first reaction was disbelief. Really? A lip-thinger? When I feel so good?

The answer was, unfortunately, yes.

I suppose the good side to feeling blech is that I am sequestered with my new toy, the Alienware MX11, which I purchased using my tax refund upon the lyrical descriptions of Mr. Moorgard. When he received his two weeks ago, he gloated in IMs. Well. I can see why. This little guy rocks my world (the netbook, not Mr. Moorgard)! And I have not yet gotten a cute little optical drive yet so that I can load it up with gamey goodness! It just needs a cute little name; it is too clinical to continue calling him MX11.

I've been working on my test knit socks; they are coming along nicely and I am at the point of creating the heels. Since I'm test knitting these, the designer asked me not to post photos of them in-progress...but they are very pretty. Unfortunately, they are also making my wrist hurt a wee bit since they are traveling stitches, like the Twisted Hourglass socks I recently finished. Something about them makes my carpal tunnel go PING!

That made me want to knit something on larger needles, so I started something new rather than reach for something already in progress. I am a procrastinator with a backlog of projects.

New project: Saroyan, being knit up in lucious Miss Babs Yummy sportweight sock yarn, Colorway: Verdigris.