Last week, I wandered into
Lovelyarns, which is my LYS. It's cute, close by, and has a great selection of yarns for the types of projects I tend to do (ie, socks!).
Sue, the owner, is really sweet. She bustles around helping folks figure out a stitch, or a pattern, or what yarn might go with what project. Of all the yarn shops I've been to, this is right at the top of my list!

I picked up a request last week to make a hat and mittens for a local school kid, and wandered back over to day hand them in. There are boxes and shelves piled high with completed projects, waiting to be delivered to the school around Thanksgiving. Yay!
Kate liked the photo she'd seen of the hat I'd made, Laura Irwin's Side Slip Cloche from her
Boutique Knits book. She squeed (as usual! She is a gratifying audience for my knitting!), and I immediately offered to make another cloche for Lili.

And so I did. This is a surprisingly quick knit, considering that the band is knit first, then you pick up 96 stitches around to knit the crown. Ninety-six stitches! That's like, a lot! And then you increase fromm there! Aiee! But, the end result is totally worth it. This is definitely a hat I'd like to knit again, for me.
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