He bought the yarn in November and sent it to me, and asked for the scarf to be done a certain way. No problems there. I added in the hat from the extra yarn left, and I figured it would be nice to have a matched set.
As "payment," he sent me The Legend of the Guardians, which is a cute movie starring a bunch of owls. And then, even before he got the stuff I'd sent him, he ordered more Malabrigo for me so that I can make myself something.
I'll be awash in Mmmmmmalabrigo... so yummy. I love how it feels, it's so luxurious. Also a big fan of Jose, the most knit-worthy dude I know :D

For Ravelry's Harry Potter Knit/Crochet Cup, I'm doing five pairs of socks using different techniques as my Arithmancy OWL. Mind you, I had no idea what an OWL was until Kate babbled nearly incoherently about hers (a very gorgeous shawl) last year. I've been listening to the Harry Potter books on CD, which Molly's been lending to me, so now I finally know what an OWL is. :)
The group's idea is that you start your OWL project after receiving approval from your House's examiner. There are a variety of Hogswartish subjects, broken down into the ways in which students (aka, group members) can achieve success in that subject. I chose Arithmancy, in the option of making at least eight related items by the end of March.
My five Arithmancy socks will be: textured sock (Christina's); toe-up lace socks; colorwork; twisted stitches and cabled socks; and, finally, a pair of entrelac socks. Since I love knitting socks anyway, and was going to knit these at some point this year, I decided to put them into this OWL, which gives my knitting a sense of structure and purpose beyond making nice things.
I like having structure. :)
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