Saturday, I baked cookies. Not as many as I would have liked, but I did try out a new-to-me recipe called Coconut Crispies that is essentially a shortbread cookie with coconut (surprising, I know). You have to make these guys thin, though, or they might hurt. They are very crispy! I had a couple for breakfast this morning and sighed happily, for they are also very buttery. I love butter!
Also made some ginger and brown sugar shortbread. Meant do do Russian tea cookies, but didn't feel up for it as I had to get to Zeb and Helen's for their annual cookie baking and champagne party.
I skipped it last year due to a snowstorm; this year, it was cold and bright, and I am within walking distance. Brr! Lovely, brisk walk! Lots of cookies, as there had been baking all afternoon before I showed up. Sam L had made good use of an item I'd recommended to him a while back: ninjabread men cookie cutters. They were adorable!
Then Sam drove me home and helped me schlep the box with my headboard up the stairs. He offered to stick around and help me assemble it, but I declined the offer. I knew that Rex would help me on Sunday, so I was all set!
Rex, you may recall, is my Hitachi power drill. =)
In any event, Rex and I spent this morning together putting together my bed frame. I have always wanted this particular one; it matches my bureau. And, since it's a platform bed, I don't need a box spring. Handy that, since my old box spring is gathering dust in the Cat Room since it doesn't fit up the stairs.
This bed is really high. When I dangle my feet over the edge, I don't touch the floor. It's higher than my end table. I had to switch around what table I have my alarm clock on as I couldn't see it on the lower table.
I only hope that I remember in the morning that I'm now something like three feet above the floor and not just a mattress.
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